First of all, what is KernelFunctions? In the context of Semantic Kernel, a kernel function is a fundamental concept that enables the orchestration of AI operations….
Tag: C#
[Fast-Endpoints] Awesome Library to minimize APIs even more.
FastEndpoints is a library that follows the pattern of minimal APIs. If want to make a web API project even minimal, this lib is the…
[FromKeyedServices] Another approach of DI on controllers constructor
Since .NET 8 the annotation [FromKeyedServices] comes to show a new approach of dependency injection. With this annotation, we wouldn’t have to face a constructor…
Benchmark FrozenColletion + Database Read
It came to my knowledge about the FrozenCollection (System.Collections.Frozen) on .NET 8. This collection is something we need to get attention on. In this article,…
SQLite Database Test – .NET 8
I believe you have seen companies that run their integration tests on a real instances of SQL Server. This is an old practice that some…
Get rid of many DTO files
In many projects I’ve worked, there’s usually a folder with a lot of DTO class files. I believe that keeping many files at the solution…
Carter Framework + Minimal APIs
On 2023, Microsoft released the Minimal APIs, a powerful tool to create fast and light APIs with less dependencies from other libraries. From official Microsoft…